This week I hosted the Keys to Happiness Mastermind Tele-Party and it blew my mind and the minds of everyone listening. Just in case you missed it, you can listen to it here. There were so many keys to happiness shared that day and today I want to go into detail about one of them. Nick…
Who is on Your Dream Team?
Everyone who registers for this FREE tele-party will be entered to win 2 FREE tickets to Gathering of the Vibes Every Dream Requires a Dream Team. Who’s on yours? Humans need accountability. It’s the reason we pay people to be our personal trainers and health coaches. When you know someone is going to check in…
I’m so excited and I just can’t hide it!
Everyone who registers for this FREE Tele-Party will be entered to win 2 tickets to Gathering of the Vibes Why am I so excited? There are a lot of reasons. One reason is my sister is getting married tomorrow!!!! Woohoo!! Another reason is that my birthday is on Sunday and I will be thirty six…
Why Getting It On is Good For You
My last blog post entitled “Young Only Live Once: Make it Good” received a lot of positive response. I was blown away by the feedback so this week I decided to expand on one of the topics. Since most people expressed to me that not only do they want to live to be over 100…
YOLO: Make it Good
I always hear people talking about how they want to live to be over 100 years old. I want to live that long too. You only live once (or maybe more), but either way the important thing to remember is if you are going to live to be over 100 years old, it’s much more…
How to Release Expectations & Just Love
Do you find yourself expecting things from the people in your life because if you were them that’s what you would do? The thing is…they aren’t you and you can’t expect that they think or do things like you. You are special and no one does things like you. Do you expect things from people…
Dandelion’s Don’t Give a Sh*t
Dandelions may be considered a weed, but to me they are one of the most amazing badass flowers on the planet. Many times in my life I have channeled my inner dandelion because of their rebelliousness, their ability to stand up to and be seen, how some people think they are an annoying weed, but…
Willie Nelson’s Got it Goin’ On!
My husband shared a quote by Willie Nelson with me today and he told me he did that because he thought the people who read my newsletter would really like it. I read the quote and thought to myself, “Willie Nelson totally gets it! He’s in his eighties still rocking out and looking great.” I…
How to Slay an Energy Vampire
An energy vampire is a person in your life that sucks the positive energy out of you leaving you completely drained and unable to carry out the goals you’ve set for yourself. They also go by emotional vampires. These people constantly blame other people for their circumstances, complain about life, are self-centered and when you…
Just DO it!
I’m in Florida right now visiting my parents. I was on the beach when I received a phone call from a dear friend asking for support. Something that came up during the conversation was her fear of not knowing what she’s doing. I said, “Do we ever really know what we’re doing? Are you willing…