I’m in Florida right now visiting my parents. I was on the beach when I received a phone call from a dear friend asking for support. Something that came up during the conversation was her fear of not knowing what she’s doing. I said, “Do we ever really know what we’re doing? Are you willing to release that and just DO? Are you willing to release the excuse that you don’t know how as a reasonable reason to not try something?”

I didn’t know how to walk until I tried…and I fell down a lot until one day I mastered it. Even today after walking for 35 years I still fall down sometimes, but I keep on walking.
I didn’t think I knew how to bake a pizza from scratch until I baked a pizza from scratch.
I didn’t think I knew how to run a business until I did.
I didn’t think I could do a backflip until one day after a lot of training I just went for it.
I didn’t think I could coach over 45 people at a time until 45 people signed up to let me coach them.
I didn’t think I could host a retreat until I put a down payment down on a retreat center.
I didn’t think I cold travel alone to another country until I was on a plane traveling to another country alone.
I didn’t think I could write a book until I started writing a book.
I didn’t think I could roll my own sushi until I bought all the supplies, my husband showed me how and I did it.
I didn’t think I could choreograph a dance until I realized I choreographed dances my whole life in my bedroom growing up.
I didn’t think I could win a chili cook off until I entered, bought the stuff to make the chili and made it.
I didn’t think I could snowboard until I fell down a million times, broke my butt, tore all the ligaments in the thumb and got up and tried again.
I gave up need to know the how and just DID.
Some things I mastered. Some things I didn’t. It doesn’t matter. I would have never known if I never tried. I would have never known if I got caught up in the fact that I didn’t know what I was doing. When you were born you knew how to breathe, poop, eat, fart and cry. Check out how far you’ve come doing things you didn’t know how to do. Wow!
What are you willing to do?
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I didn’t think or know that I could rock climb yesterday because I never tried it. I made up one of the runs on my first try! I found out I am actually really strong and pretty good at it. I can always improve but glad to know I tried.
Yesterday I didn’t think I could rock climb but I went to the bouldering gym anyway and even took a leap of faith and got a month’s membership. I had never touched a rock climbing wall in my life. I had no idea where I was going, well except up. I ended up making it to the top on my first climb. I ended up being pretty good actually. Wasn’t sure where I was headed but I am now on my way 🙂
I love this Taraleigh! we so often get stuck in the how, the doubt, and what if’s! Perfect reminder for me in this moment! I love the syncronicities~ Ask and open up to see what the sweet Universe dishes up! mmmm mmmm good!
The Universe always has our backs. What are you going to commit to DO? I’ll hold you accountable <3