Follow Your Intuition or Get Bitch Slapped
I was thinking about what to write my blog about this week when I decided to take a moment to be silent. I took a moment to listen to my intuition and it said to write about intuition. My intuition told me to write about intuition. It’s so self-centered always wanting to talk about itself….
How I was Changed by Rock-n-Roll
The theme for February’s Virtual Love Fest is raising your positive vibrations. On our last live call I gave the members a menu of ideas that can put into practice to raise their positive vibrations. By making tiny little changes, it’s amazing what has happened for them so far. Right now I’m going to share…
Dear Me, Love Me <3
Dear Me, Love Me <3 I recently started a practice that I felt called to share with y’all (I went to college in South Carolina for 2 years and was Daffy Duck in Atlanta for a summer and the y’all stuck). That has nothing to do with what I’m about to share with you. What…
Make Like a Tree and Be Awesome
Make Like a Tree and Be Awesome Does anyone get that joke? It’s from the classic movie, “Back to the Future.” One of the characters tries to say, “make like a tree and leave,” but he gets it wrong every time. It makes me laugh. Heehee. See…I’m laughing again just talking about it. Anyway…that is…
You Are Invited to My Phishy Garden Joy Party
This morning my friend Cora told me that she was having a conversation with God/the Universe and asked him what to do. She was feeling very low on energy and he simply said. You need to have more fun and hang out with your friends. He also said that she needed to talk to me….
Let’s Rock Our Wrinkles
Last night when I was watching the 12/12/12 Concert I noticed a lot of older people that had absolutely no wrinkles on their faces. At first I thought wow they look really good for their age! Then I looked closer and realized it was because they had Botox and or plastic surgery. I looked in…
12/12/12 …and so it is <3
Today I participated in a 12/12/12 blessing and love ceremony with some of my soul sisters. We ask that everyone remember we are all one and in this together. During the ceremony I pulled the heart chakra card Which represents unconditional love, compassion, harmony, relationships, and healing. It’s believed to be the link between your…
How I Reached My Impossible Goal of Running a Half Marathon While Having Fun
How did I do it? Click on the MindBodyGreen icon to find out. If you like my story and it inspired you to accomplish an “impossible” goal share it with your friends and leave me some comment love. Love you!!! xoxo, Taraleigh
Pearl and the Beard: Epic Party Pants Joy Party
I love capturing real authentic all out crazy fun joy parties. I won tickets to see Pearl and the Beard at Higher Ground and got treated to one quirky and funny joy party. This band is a wacky combination of the B-52’s, Bon Iver, and Florence and the Machine mixed in with a little Edward…