I went on a retreat with one of my dream teams. We did an exercise called “the hot seat” where my team asked me questions they felt called to ask me. When they felt I answered the question completely another question would be asked. If they didn’t feel I answered fully they would be silent…
Why I Named My Ego Sheila
Does your ego easily get hurt? Does it whine and complain? Does it love to play the victim sometimes? Does it thrive on attention? Does it keep you from shining your light? I don’t know about you, but my ego is a bitch sometimes. Don’t worry. This happens to the most spiritual people. As my friend Cora…
2 Minute Dance Break with Taraleigh + Brett Dennen
Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or do you suffer from the mid afternoon slump? I challenge you to dance with me for 2 minutes. Experience the magic happens when you move your body to some fun music by Brett Dennen. Let me know how you felt before and after…
You’ve Been Hit by a Kindness Bomb
Share this photo with your friends. Click me! When you experience kindness from a stranger it changes the tone of your entire day. When you show pure authentic kindness towards someone it also changes the tone of your entire day. I decided I am going to make a conscious effort to hit someone with a…
Why You Need to Get Yourself Some New Shoes
This blog was written because I was inspired by a song. I was leading myself in a solo yoga class in St Croix USVI with this view of the Caribbean. I practiced to my random Pandora station and did sun salutations to Dolly Parton, Ryan Monbleau, Led Zeppelin and the Talking Heads. While I was…
Be the Coolest Kid in Your World
A big factor that keeps us from opening ourselves up to abundance is buying into our insecurities. Having thoughts of not belonging and unworthiness do not serve you. Those types of thoughts hold us back from experiencing the flow of abundance. They keep us from experiencing miracles. I have struggled with this one many times…
Don’t Stay Thirsty My Friends
Many times we don’t open ourselves up to abundance because we fear there is a lack of whatever it is we want. We think, “There isn’t enough for us”. I call that bullshit! One of my friends recently said to me she had her best financial month yet, but she was scared she couldn’t keep…
Sexy Soul Joy Party Broadcasting Live 3/6 11am
Click the this photo to stream the show live on Wed at 11am Have a question for us? Call us and ask (646) 200-0738
Sometimes You Have to Put On Your Imaginary Glittery Protective Armor
The other day I tried to fly to Florida on standby to visit my family and I got “stuck” at the airport all day. I didn’t think of it as “stuck” though. I decided to use my time wisely so I sat my sparkly butt down at the airport, busted out my computer and wrote…
10 Practical Ways to Raise Your Positive Vibrations
Every thought or feeling has a vibration that can be measured. The reason you want to raise these vibrations is to become high enough to connect to the power of intention. That place is the sweet spot where you feel joy and happiness, and your dream life will become your reality. Perhaps Dr. Wayne Dryer put…