Do you find yourself expecting things from the people in your life because if you were them that’s what you would do?
The thing is…they aren’t you and you can’t expect that they think or do things like you. You are special and no one does things like you.
Do you expect things from people because you desire a certain outcome?
The thing is…you can’t control other people and how they do things and you can’t ever control the outcome. Life is constantly changing and how things end up may not be what you thought. Go with it.
Do you expect things from people because you want to believe they are a good person?
The thing is…you are right to think they are a good person. Good people make bad decisions sometimes and that has nothing to do with you.
Do you expect things from people because you think if they do those things for you that means they love you?
You are very likely to be constantly disappointed. People show their love in many different ways. It might not be the way you expected. Open your eyes and check out the way they show love and work on speaking their language. Let them know your love language too. Check out the 5 Love Languages. Your partner may be doing things to let you know they love you and you didn’t even know it.
Remember this:
The people in your life are doing the best they can in this very moment. It might not look the way you expect or the way you want it to be. They may not meet your expectations and you may feel disappointed, making it all about you and your expectations and not them.
Do you project your expectations on those you love?
Do people project their expectations on you?
Let’s talk about it.
Join the conversation.
YES YES TRIPLE YES!!! Thank you! I love this!! When we let go of expectations life becomes one big surprise party!! xoxo
Excited to experience the surprise party with you <3