I went on a retreat with one of my dream teams. We did an exercise called “the hot seat” where my team asked me questions they felt called to ask me. When they felt I answered the question completely another question would be asked. If they didn’t feel I answered fully they would be silent and I would continue talking. It made me go deep. Sometimes deeper than I felt comfortable going. My dream team pushed me outside my comfort zone which allowed me to go to the places I needed to go, but would never go to alone. During the “hot seat” exercise I started to see myself and the gifts I had to offer the world the same way my dream team saw me. This is what came up.
I love hanging out with people. I love community and I naturally love bringing people together and introducing them. I love complimenting people if I feel called to do it. I love letting people know they are up to amazing things. I love holding a safe judgement free space for people to feel brave enough to ask for the support they desire. I notice people feel comfortable opening up to me and really trust me almost right away. I love to be silly and crazy and I inspire others to let their freak flags fly too. I love seeing the glass as always half full of sparkles and I love opening others up to see the world in that way too. Those are my gifts. Those gifts bring me extreme amounts of joy and that is how the Virtual Love Fest came about.
Leading the Virtual Love Fest community and Rock Your Life Retreats is my gift. It’s my life’s purpose. It’s my passion. It makes me heart sing. It makes me jump out of bed to serve my peeps every day.
Once I was really clear on what my gifts were and how I could put them into use and serve the rest fell into place with the help of my dream team.
The Virtual Love Fest is a dream team and it’s best explained by the members themselves.
“I was going through a really rough time in my life. I lost my home to Sandy and the stress of it all caused my boyfriend and I to break up at the time. I was broke and living in a hotel room. I knew I needed some kind of guidance or path to pick myself up and not allow myself to fall into a very bad depression. I needed positivity in my life so I wouldn’t crumble.
I saw something a friend had posted on Facebook and tagged the Virtual Love Fest. I tried to scope it out but it was a closed group. Tarleigh contacted me about what the group entails and I think I just broke down and told T everything that was going on in my life and she listened and helped me see a light in my dark tunnel. I was worried about money so you generously gave me the gift of a free month and ever since I joined my life has been filled with light.
I was so lost and scared. and i honestly hated myself for being so depressed. All I knew was I lost my soulmate and I needed to love myself in order to love him and I didn’t know how to go about doing so. I was scared I’d lose him forever. I knew I wouldn’t end up alone but there’s something so amazing about him and us. Something I didn’t want to live without. I needed direction on living the life I love and I knew that was preventing me from loving myself. I felt stuck with nothing I was passionate about.
Now I am on a great path and have direction on what my life’s calling is.. My soulmate and I are back together and doing great! I really believe that the group gave me so much more than a therapist ever could have and that was were I was going to go before you contacted me!”
Stephanie Spivak
” I cut all music and dreams of singing out of my life as I believed I was just being a show-off and hurting those around me. I have gone 26 years truly hating myself. Which then lead me to years of depression, bulimia, drug and alcohol abuse, cutting and suicidal thoughts and eventually suicide attempts. I felt so alone, and silly and angry at myself for feeling this way. I always seemed happy and semi- put together on the outside so no one really noticed what was going on, except for a few friends that confronted me or I opened up to and whiskey and cocaine filled nights. I didn’t want anyone to know because I thought it was selfish of me to be like this but yet part of me desperately wanted to cry out to the world “I am hurting, I am not OK, someone please save me!”
I recently came to the point where I knew things needed to change, I needed help. I couldn’t live this way anymore. So, I tried to fix everything silently and alone. I would be good for a few weeks then fall back into my destructive ways.
Then a couple years back I came across the Healthy Hippie Magazine, which lead me to following Taraleigh on Facebook, there was just something about her that shines. I wanted to know her. And she then invited me to join the Virtual Love Fest. And friends this is where it all began to change. The Universe had lead me to place for healing and a community of the most loving and encouraging spirits I have ever met. Then I was lucky enough to win the first contest and got a one on one session with Taraleigh, where I opened up a bit about my past. And one of my action steps was a healing session with Cora Poage.
I was nervous. I had gotten used to being a broken soul, to being lonely, I had begun to love the pain. But a part of me wanted it gone forever. It was like this war going on inside of me between the darkness and this light that has always been flickering but wanted to shine bright. And get rid of the dark. And since I joined the VLF that light has been shining brighter and brighter.
I see myself through different eyes. I see that I am love.
So, this is where I have been and how I got here. I still do not fully understand why I have been where I have been, and maybe I never will. But I want anyone to know who is hurting that it can be different. I have been to some of the darkest places a soul can go, and thought that it would stay that way but it doesn’t have to. This community, and an incredible, life changing experience with Cora have changed my life, even saved my life. For the first time I am hopeful about life and excited about my journey. And my loves, this is just the beginning.”