A big factor that keeps us from opening ourselves up to abundance is buying into our insecurities. Having thoughts of not belonging and unworthiness do not serve you. Those types of thoughts hold us back from experiencing the flow of abundance. They keep us from experiencing miracles. I have struggled with this one many times in my life. I remember trying to be a cool kid in elementary school. One day I just went up to the cool kids and started playing with them. I felt so cool for about a minute. I thought I was one of them! I was like, “Taraleigh…you’ve got it goin on. You’ve made it!” I was a cool kid. I was on cloud nine. After about a minute one girl looked me dead in the eyes and said, “Tara…go play somewhere else.” Woah! Those words hurt me to my core. I felt my heart break and my self-esteem plummet. I actually felt it happen. For years I didn’t feel cool enough to belong and always had a fear that people didn’t want me at their party. It played out in so many parts of my life. One day I chose to release my insecurities about not being wanted.
I chose to be the the coolest kid in my world.
Other people may or may not agree, but who cares? My world of fairies, unicorns and pixie dust rocks! I only want the people who want to be in my world in my world and I only want the people I want to be in my world in my world.
Once you understand what is holding you back and the root of how it came to be and how it has affected you along your journey, you are so much closer to releasing it and moving on in the most powerful way. You will be your true authentic magical self when you release the things that are holding you back from receiving abundance in all the areas of your life. You can do it! I have faith in you.
If you are allowing these things to rule your life you are being selfish. The reason I say you are being selfish is because you are not going to be giving your best most genuine self to yourself, your friends, family, co-workers or the world. We all need you! You need you! Don’t deny us of your awesomeness!
Choose to be the coolest kid in your world.
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