It was a miraculous day. I received a personal email from Arianna Huffington saying that she wanted to feature my voice in the Huffington Post. How the heck did that happen? Here’s the all-access exclusive story straight from the unicorn’s mouth. A little while ago my friend Danielle asked me if I wanted to go…
Tag: taraleigh weathers
You May Be Right. I May Be Crazy.
If there’s one book you should read (besides mine slated to release in February) it’s The 4 Agreements by Miguel Ruiz. Today we’re going to talk about the second agreement, “Don’t Take Anything Personally.” This one is one of the hardest agreements for most people to master and let me tell you…I’m still working on…
Why I Named My Ego Sheila
Does your ego easily get hurt? Does it whine and complain? Does it love to play the victim sometimes? Does it thrive on attention? Does it keep you from shining your light? I don’t know about you, but my ego is a bitch sometimes. Don’t worry. This happens to the most spiritual people. As my friend Cora…
2 Minute Dance Break with Taraleigh + Brett Dennen
Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or do you suffer from the mid afternoon slump? I challenge you to dance with me for 2 minutes. Experience the magic happens when you move your body to some fun music by Brett Dennen. Let me know how you felt before and after…
Sexy Soul Joy Party Broadcasting Live 3/6 11am
Click the this photo to stream the show live on Wed at 11am Have a question for us? Call us and ask (646) 200-0738
10 Practical Ways to Raise Your Positive Vibrations
Every thought or feeling has a vibration that can be measured. The reason you want to raise these vibrations is to become high enough to connect to the power of intention. That place is the sweet spot where you feel joy and happiness, and your dream life will become your reality. Perhaps Dr. Wayne Dryer put…
Follow Your Intuition or Get Bitch Slapped
I was thinking about what to write my blog about this week when I decided to take a moment to be silent. I took a moment to listen to my intuition and it said to write about intuition. My intuition told me to write about intuition. It’s so self-centered always wanting to talk about itself….
You Are Invited to My Phishy Garden Joy Party
This morning my friend Cora told me that she was having a conversation with God/the Universe and asked him what to do. She was feeling very low on energy and he simply said. You need to have more fun and hang out with your friends. He also said that she needed to talk to me….