Just in case you missed this in real life, the stream or in the many places it was shared online, you can watch the epic THANK YOU encore right here right now! Now that you’ve seen all that magic, did you notice how Trey’s speech pretty much summed up the keys to a happy life?…
Tag: live music
Tuesdays with Taraleigh: Card Reading
I was at a rest area in upstate NY on my way to MayFest when I ran into a beautiful being. She stopped me and said something like, “Hi Taraleigh. I’m a huge fan of yours and I love your videos. They have really meant a lot to me and helped me to shift my…
What would the world be like without Phish?
Everyone was put on this earth to shine their lovelights, but for some reason so many of us allow our lights to be dimmed for one reason or another. It’s so much easier to place blame on someone for dimming your lovelight instead of taking responsibility for it. “It’s my boss’s fault. I get in…
One Way to Get Back On Your Unicorn When You Fall Off
This used to be my morning. I woke up and rolled over to grab my cell phone. I checked my emails. I mindlessly scrolled through my Facebook feed. Eventually I rolled out of bed and made my way to my computer. I would start working right away still in a sleepy fog. I would half…
Les Claypool Rocked My Weird
When I think of Les Claypool I can’t help but smile. He is so unapologetically authentically weird-wild-silly-light and dark all at the same time. I love all of those parts of Les because they are the essence of who he is to the core. Most of his bass driven music sounds a little like a freaky dark…