You can make 100 vision boards, meditate on what you want to bring into your life all day, and charge all of your manifesting crystals in the full moon, but those activities alone won’t get you what you want. Sitting at home and praying things into existence may get you some of what you want, but there’s something else that you must do. This is something that most spiritual gurus like to leave out of the manifesting equation.
What this video I made about it on my Insta HERE.
Take a moment right now and feel what it would feel like to have all everything on your vision board come to reality. See it. Feel it. Smell it. Touch it. Hear it. Take three deep breaths letting this feeling take over your body. Ask yourself, “What do I need to do to allow for this vision to be my reality?”
Listen, feel, or see what messages come through. Make a plan that has a few big steps, some average sized steps, and a whole lotta baby steps.
And then do that EVERY DAMN DAY.
That’s how I got to where I am today being my own boss in Nicaragua looking at the ocean through my window. I kept saying how I wanted to be able to travel to warm places for an extended period of time in the winter. Finally I did something about it and here I am. I’m so grateful I didn’t wait for a time that was right because that day would have never came.
Is there something on your vision board that you want to bring into your reality? Share what it is with me HERE
Love you so much!