You don’t have to quit your job or sell your house in order to change your life. There’s no need to change everything at once or take a big giant leap. Doing it that way has it’s place, but it can feel jarring and hella terrifying. There’s a gentler way to make change which I’m personally a big fan of. You won’t experience as much instant gratification, but the journey will be much more pleasant and the changes will be long lasting.
Instead of diving off the cliff head first, take one step that’s a little uncomfortable, but not too much. Then do the same thing the next day. And again the day after that. Rinse and repeat daily. Some days you’ll take huge steps and other times baby steps. As long as you are moving forward it’s all good. One thousand teeny tiny steps will get you somewhere faster than taking two huge ones, getting overwhelmed and then ever taking another step ever again.
Do you have a goal, but you’re not sure what that first step should be? OR you’ve taken a few steps and now feel stuck? I’d love to support you to get movin’.
Send me a note here with the words READY TO MOVE and I’ll reach out with some guidance.
Love you so much!!