When your thoughts are being filthy liars, here’s what to do:
Put on some music and dance!!
Then show those jerky thoughts who’s boss.
Thoughts like these show up when you’re attempting to break free from your comfort zone. Those thoughts are acting like overprotective parents who will do and say anything to keep you safe. You’ve gotta be really clear that you know that you might get hurt, but you’re going to do the thing anyway.
Try replacing the unswerving thought with one that makes you feel powerful.
- Instead of “I’m not good enough” say, “I am worthy of getting what I want just like everyone else.”
- Instead of “I can’t it do” say, “I can do it.”
- Instead of “Bad things are gonna happen,” say, “What if everything works out even better than I thought.”
- Instead of “I’m not ready,” say, “I’m just going to do it and see what happens.”
Now those are some thoughts I can go for.
I made a video about it on my instagram. Watch it HERE.
Share one jerky thought you have in your head right now and the thought you’re going to replace it with in the comments section.
Love you so much!