Are you afraid to make moves toward the life you’ve always dreamed of because you don’t feel like you are confident enough to do it?
When you want to change your life by doing something different with it, you likely won’t feel confident. This is because you’ve never done that thing before. Here are 3 myths about confidence debunked:
- Myth #1: Confident People Have No Insecurities
- Everyone is insecure about something. The unknown makes all people feel uneasy. Having self-doubt or feeling unsure about changes in your life doesn’t make you unconfident. Feel the lack of confidence and move forward regardless.
- Myth #2: You Have to Be an Extrovert to Be Confident
- People think that because extroverts are often at the center of attention being the life of the party that this makes them confident. This person isn’t necessarily feeling confident. In order to be truly confident, you’ve gotta feel comfy in your own skin.
- Myth #3: You Can’t Fake Confidence
- Fellow fanatic of live music Amy Cuddy studied how impactful it is to use poses to cultivate a feeling of power with her colleagues at Harvard and Columbia Universities. When you hold a high-power pose of your choice for two minutes, it makes you feel more powerful and less stressed.
I want to talk to five people about getting clear on what the first steps are that they need to take toward making real changes in their lives. You don’t need to be confident to act brave.
Send a message HERE with the words FEELING BRAVE and I’ll reach out
Love you so much!