My friend Jason is an incredible human and he’s up to something so BIG. What he’s up to is a movement of purposeful fathers and his work is important. If you know a father who would benefit from Jason’s work, share this with him. Here’s all about his group in his own words.
JourneyMen Foundations – Group Coaching for Purposeful Fathers with Dr. Jason Frishman
This is an essential time for men, for fathers. More than ever we have a responsibility to ourselves, our family and our world. If you are a dad, you know this already. Time is too short. Pressures are too large. And expectations always seem to be changing. You face a whole new set of obstacles that block your forward progress . Getting your kids to listen and engage, connecting with and supporting spouses and partners after harried & hectic days, changing the world and getting shit done – it’s an ongoing adventure!
My name is Dr. Jason Frishman and I’ve been working with men and families as a Psychologist trained in Adventure and Narrative Therapies for over 20 years. I have seen the pain and challenge that fathers endure when they can’t find the time, energy or purpose to meaningfully connect with their families. I have witnessed the strength that it takes for them to ask for help and the power of making real, sustainable changes.
Recently, I’ve taken my work with men and fathers out of the office and into the online world. The JourneyMen Foundations coaching program is designed with you in mind; men who aren’t looking for therapy, but need support, guidance and accountability on their fatherhood journeys. This is not your everyday men’s group. You’ll craft your own tools, navigate your blocks and discover the most important treasures in your life. You will learn to make better use of the time you have, feel increasingly motivated AND more fully equipped to reach your goals. The JourneyMen Foundations program builds your character; it guides you to write your own story and connect to what is most important to you.
A growing group of men have made the choice to elevate their everyday life and connect – with purpose – with those whom they love the most. Recent JourneyMen participants have shared that they are more present and engaged with their kids. They have deeper and more intimate relationships with their partners. Using tools and strategies from the JourneyMen Foundations program, they get out of their own way more quickly. They direct themselves and become the purposeful men that they see in themselves. And, they realized both the strength and fun in connecting with other men on similar journeys.
If you are a father and any of this has resonated with you, let’s make time to have a short conversation to see if The JourneyMen Foundations program is a good fit for you.
Because I am bringing the JourneyMen Foundations program online. I am excited to offer an incredible Founder’s package for guys who sign up now.
Simply follow the link below and I will personally get in touch so that we can schedule a time to talk:
Welcome to the JourneyMen Community!
Let’s connect and see what kind of adventures we can create together.
Warmly, Jason S. Frishman, PsyD