Moe. was one of the first bands I fell in love with and I’ve seen them well over a hundred times since. Their music has made me a better person, introduced me to so many incredible people, and healed me in so many ways. One of their guitarists Chuck suffered a stroke and has a long road of healing ahead of him. His healing is gong to take some time so some fans started raising funds to help with medical and rehabilitation costs in hopes of making his return to health as smooth and nurturing as possible.
We Are All Waiting… to see Chuck’s “rage face” again soon, and to see him smile. All donations will go to the Garvey family to support out of pocket expenses needed to support his recovery.
I am always talking about how incredible the live music community is and how when one of us needs help, the rest of us step up to the plate. The fundraising page has reached it’s goal of more than $100k.
Now that Chuck and his wife Amy don’t have to worry about the financial burden of his stroke, they can focus on his healing.
If you have a moment send Chuck some rainbow love beams. Close your eyes and put your hands on your heart. Picture Chuck in a healing white bubble. Inhale and exhale love and healing to him. Repeat three times.
Thank you!
Ok love you byeeeeee.