Hey Magic Maker. I want to take a moment and thank you for subscribing to my list. Some of you are new and some of you have been with me for years and I’m just so grateful that you have chosen to spend some time and space with me. If there’s anything you’d like me to talk about, please let me know by replying to this message. <3
Something I’d like to talk to you about right now is to make a morning routine for yourself so you can set the tone of your entire day.
This is very important for everyone and especially for those entrepreneurs who have ADHD.
ADHD Superpower Business Tip: Start Your Day with a Daily Jam (or as Marco Benevento calls it a Real Morning Party).
Here’s how to rock your morning routine!
I like to call it my Daily Jam, because it’s something that I do in the morning that will set me up for success for the rest of the day.
When I don’t do my Daily Jam, I really notice that it has an effect on the rest of the day. Sometimes I feel like I don’t have time for my Daily Jam, but find that when I don’t do it, I don’t have as much focus, and I end up getting even more distracted and I waste even more time. Whereas if I just spent 10 to 15 minutes doing my daily jam, then I would have saved a lot more time throughout the day!
And so, this is what I do: (feel free to use if anything resonates with you)
1. Breathe and connect with yourself and your body. Put your hands where your inner wisdom lies- either your heart, your belly, or your third eye, and then take three deep breaths. Take a deep breath in and exhale out. Take another breath in and exhale out. And repeat.
2. Try meditation! First, I would like you to practice meditation in silence cause being silent in the morning always leads into horse and horses have lots of focus, energy and their intuitions are on point. You will do this for at least one minute, by setting a timer.
Just imagine if you do one minute a day that’s 365 minutes of meditation that you may have otherwise not done! So one minute a day is great, five minutes a day is awesome, and 10 minutes a day is amazing!
But don’t get ahead of yourself, just try at least one minute a day to start! The way that I do this meditation is:
Breathe in through your nose and out through your nose, and in through your nose and out through your nose, observing the breath as it comes in your nose and out of your nose in a circular motion.
As thoughts come into your head (because they will), just try to observe them like clouds in the sky. So, instead of going with your thought and kind of spiraling down into it, instead, you may think “oh there’s a thought, that’s cool” and go back to focusing on your breath in through your nose and out through your nose. Don’t forget to set a timer for one minute, five minutes, or however many minutes that you decide to practice for.
When you’ve completed your silent meditation you can now choose to do a guided meditation, if you would like. I have recorded two for you. One is called Faceplant Into Morning Listen HERE, which is a great option for your Morning Jam because it’s an energizing meditation where you chant mantras.
I am also including The Rocking Life Entrepreneur meditation (Listen HERE) which is more of a visioning exercise.
3. Visioning. I offered a free visioning workshop a few months ago and everyone who was there wrote a vision for themselves. I’ll be offering this workshop again in the near future. I’ll be sure you’re the first to know about it.
In the meantime you can also come up with your own vision. Read your vision out loud. Every damn day. Read it out loud, read it to yourself, or you can also record yourself reading it, and then you can listen to your vision. Try to close your eyes and feel what it feels like for that vision to be true in this very moment. Feel it in every cell of your body, take a couple of deep breaths, and maybe even move your body and feel into it some more.
4.Move your body. Move your body in a way that feels natural and feels good. Maybe you are feeling really tired so you may want to start off really slow, or if you woke up feeling super energized, then maybe you’re just going for it and dance really hard!
You can also go for a walk outside or you can just move your body in any way that you want to. I love doing this to music. I may put my playlist on shuffle and be surprised at what song comes on. Or maybe I consciously choose a song. I may pick a song that I’m really into and move my body in any way that feels good.
5. Last but not least, you are going to plan out your day. When you’re planning out your day it’s really important that you clear out and get rid of any distractions. You may want to check your email and delete any emails that are not important. Perhaps if your desk is messy, take a moment to straighten it up, and create a workspace that feels really good. That’s really important to do first, and then you can start planning your day. Maybe this is a good time to take out your “Things I Get To Do Today list.” I like to call it that instead of a To-Do list because it’s things I get to do today-meaning things that I have the privilege of doing-and that I am grateful for. When I make this list, I put down everything that I have to do today.
Then I look at my calendar to see what I have scheduled for the day, how I can fit everything in there, and then I make my schedule for the day from this list. I time block everything. I will share an example with you next week.
Everybody does this differently, so you want to do this in a way that feels right to you. But please take this time to plan your day.
You also may want to set some reminders for the things you have to do on your phone! People with ADHD need to check their calendars more than just in the morning. You also may want to put another reminder in the afternoon to clear your emails and to check your calendar.
By planning out your day, (and time blocking) you know what to expect and you’re really setting yourself up for success! As you know, the plan might not go exactly as you want, and that’s okay. Just plan it out and then rock it.
Good luck! If you have a question or need support, or want to let me know how this resonates with you, go HERE. I love hearing from you!