Greeting Magic Makers! Can you relate to this?
My desire to help everyone made it really hard for me to narrow down exactly who it was I was meant to serve in my business. I didn’t want anyone to feel left out by my offerings. The result? I put out wishy washy courses and programs that left no one thinking that this was the thing for them.
Getting clear on who you help and how you help them will help you to help more people. Sounds counterintuitive I know, but it’s true. There’s a really great bonus to this. Not only will you be helping people with whatever it is you’re offering (from jewelry to herbal products to yoga classes to cannabis sweet treats), but you’ll be making money doing it too.
That means that once your personal financial needs are met, you can help even more people with all that magical abundance you’ve got going on.
Here are something of the things I’ve done and goals I have to help people with the abundance I make from my business:
- Purchasing beautiful handcrafted items from artists with the intention of supporting what they do.
- Getting massages from local folx who work for themselves.
- Enrolling more support for my business by hiring other entrepreneurs with skills that would help me that I don’t have.
- Going to shows, concerts, dance performances etc (when it’s safe to do that)
- Taking my friends out to dinner (when it’s safe to do that)
- Working with a band or music venue to purchase face value tickets. I will then the tickets I bought to people at a sliding scale to make live music shows more accessible to everyone.
- Sponsoring a musician, artist or socially conscious entrepreneur so they can focus on their craft for the year without the stress of how to pay the bills.
When I face big obstacles in my business and things feel really hard, this is what keeps me going. I have written it down for when I’m struggling. I read the list and picture all the people I’m helping.
I help people build businesses that make them feel free. Everyone wins!!
Who do you help, how do you help them, and what will you do with the abundance of money you’ll have from rocking your business?
Share by leaving a comment and I’ll leave my pixie dust on it.