This January the membership program that my team and I have been creating just for you (live music fans) is almost complete and ready to come at you on Patreon. There will be different levels of access like the LAWN and PAVILION and later on we’ll be introducing the RAIL RIDERS and the GREEN ROOM. Stay tuned for all of that magic that will kick your health and wellness into high gear so you’ll be running like an antelope.
Since it’s the season of giving, I’ll been giving you lots of free gifts from now until then. I hope you loved the Face Plant Into Morning guided meditation. If you missed it because you were rockin Phish’s fall tour or any other reason, you can listen to it HERE.
Face Plant Into Morning is the perfect meditation for integrating back into the real world after a tour. Try it. You’ll laugh (because I’m funny) and I can pretty much guarantee that you’ll feel better than before you did it.
Today’s gift will leave you feeling amazing too and it’s for those who’d like to experience what it’s like to bend space and time so you can always remember where you were. This form of meditation is one of my favorite ways to get out of my head when my thoughts are racing a million miles a minute. Try it with me and let me know how your time traveling experience was for you. After you learn how to do it, you can do this practice any where at any time.

Try the dance meditation HERE.
These gifts that I am offering to you are all teasers of the content that will be available to people at the PAVILION level of Rocking Life ONLINE. If you like them, you’ll love being a member. It’s a one stop shop with all of the tools you need to live your most healthy life. More information on all of that coming soon.
The music lover in me sees and honors the music lover in you,