I’m back in the states inspired with so much stuff to share with all of you.
By slowing down my doing and upping up my be-ing, I ended up doing so much without forcing. Another thing that happened that I didn’t expect was that I got bit by a bug. The dance bug! While in Costa Rica every time my friends Amber and Pablo left the house to go surfing, I’d dance. The outcome was little site specific dance pieces that I set all over Pablo’s house, property and surrounding areas. I’m sharing them slowly on my Instagram account. If you’d like to see them, you can follow me HERE. If you are to follow me, you are only allowed if you follow me in a creepy way. Hee hee.
Talking about creeps…
“How do you not absorb all the energy from all the people when you’re around a lot of them like at shows?” I’m often asked.
I had ideas about what I do, but recently I’ve had a big revelation around it. You know how I’m always wearing a lot of shiny things?

I’m starting to realize that I wear even more of it when I know I’m going to be in a high energy zone. Why? Subconsciously, I’m was using my outer wear as spiritual armor to reflect energy instead of absorbing it.
So there you have it! That’s one trick I use to protect my sacred energy. What tricks do you have? Let me know by leaving a comment below. Yay!
The music lover in me sees and bows to the music lover in you,