I’d like to thank you from the very bottom of my heart for all the kindness you put out into the world yesterday. Seeing all the photos and posts were so beautiful. You’re amazing and I’m grateful you’re a part of my world (FYI I sang that like Ariel in the Little Mermaid).
If you’re not following me on Instagram @ rockinglife__ yet, make sure you are!
With so many parties, concerts and other activities that involve drinking excess amounts of alcohol, this time of year can be super hard to not go crazy and drink all the things. But it’s possible and can even be fun. Personally, I find that when I don’t get trashed I have more fun, am more present, make better connections with people and I remember everything. One of my favorite parts is waking up the next day without wondering how I’ll feel. I’m confident that when I open my eyes, my head won’t be pounding and I won’t have to run to the bathroom to throw up.
The following tips are for people who are not dealing with addiction. If you are, drinking any alcohol is not recommended. You can participate in the challenge by not drinking any alcohol and instead drinking more water.
Conscious Party Challenge Day Three
Drink Less Alcohol
Most of the time when I drink too much, it’s because I’m not being conscious about it. Some of my biggest mistakes are not eating, ordering a cocktail as my first drink, getting mixed drinks when I’m out and not consuming water.
Here are some habit changers you can implement:
- When you arrive at the party/bar/show, make your first drink a non-alcoholic one. Water, club soda with a splash of juice or bitters or a fun mocktail all make wonderful choices. When you have finished that drink, ask yourself, “What do I want next?” By doing this, you are switching up your habit of consuming spirits right away and then staying on that train all night. With this one shift, you may get on a different train. Try it and see what happens.
- Consume a glass of water in between every alcoholic beverage. This not only keeps you hydrated, but it’ll slow you down too.
- If you do order a mixed drink, ask the bartender to make it super weak. If you don’t trust that they will, order a shot of your liquor of choice and two glasses of mixers. Pour half a shot in each glass. Put the other glass somewhere safe or give it to a friend to drink.
- Enlist a friend to check in with you. If you are out with friends, ask someone you trust to ask you how you’re doing. You can also ask someone who isn’t with you to text you every hour or so to check in. Often times you just need a reminder to stay on track. Another option is to set your own reminders on your phone with an alarm.
- Make sure you eat a substantial meal before going out.
- Try a night without alcohol and see what happens. Maybe you’ll love it and want to keep it up.
Capture a photo what you did to drink less or no alcohol (can be from this list or make up your own way), share on social media using the hashtags #consciouspartychallenge and #rockinglife and tag me on Instagram @rockinglife__
Bonus: Make an insta-story about what you did and tag me @rockinglife__
Everyone who completes this challenge will be entered to win a signed copy of my book, How to Rock Your Life: Maintain the Magic of Live Music in Your Everyday Experience and free memberships to Rocking Life ONLINE. If you complete the bonus, you’ll receive an extra entry to this contest.
Rocking Life ONLINE is a membership program for people who want to use the momentum of their live music passion to propel themselves into the healthy lifestyle they desire. More info coming soon!
See you tomorrow!
The music lover in me sees and bows to the music lover in you,