You’re amazing! Thank you from the bottom, top and middle of my heart for saving so many single use plastics from ending up in the oceans. Small changes are a BIG deal.
If you’re not following me on Instagram @ rockinglife__ yet, make sure you are!
For many of you on my list, today is the first day of a four night run of one of the best bands on the planet, Phish. If you’re attending the show tonight, may you have the best experience ever filled with love, light and conscious choices. Let’s do this thing!
Conscious Party Challenge Day Two
Be Kind
One of my favorite parts of Conscious Partying is that because I’m ‘with it’, I have the capacity to help others who might not be. It’s easy to pass judgement on someone who seems intoxicated, but you may not know what’s actually happening.
Maybe they forgot to eat.
Or maybe they are going through a really hard time.
Possibly they have an alcohol addiction and this type of thing happens to them all the time.
They could also have a medical condition that makes them appear intoxicated.
If you find someone in an intoxicated state and they seem to need some assistance, help them. No questions asked.
There are so many ways to practice kindness. The more you do this, the more it will become your natural way of life.Woo!
Here’s what you can do for others:
- See someone who is intoxicated and needs help. Help them
- Miracle a friend or stranger (giving them a free ticket) to the show
- Write down a bunch of compliments on individual pieces or paper. Hand them out to people
- Pay for someone’s drink
- Smile at a stranger
Here’s what you can do for yourself:
- Look in the mirror and say three things that you love about yourself
- Drink water
- Forgo purchasing yourself an alcoholic beverage or a ‘party favor’ and use the money to buy yourself something nice
Capture a photo what you did to be kind to yourself or others (can be from this list or make up your own way), share on social media using the hashtags #consciouspartychallenge and #rockinglife and tag me on Instagram @rockinglife__
Bonus: Make an insta-story about what you did and tag me @rockinglife__
Everyone who completes this challenge will be entered to win a signed copy of my book,How to Rock Your Life: Maintain the Magic of Live Music in Your Everyday Experience and free memberships to Rocking Life ONLINE. If you complete the bonus, you’ll receive an extra entry to this contest.
Rocking Life ONLINE is a membership program for people who want to use the momentum of their live music passion to propel themselves into the healthy lifestyle they desire. More info coming soon!
Have fun rocking the kindness.
See you tomorrow!
The music lover in me sees and bows to the music lover in you,