I can’t believe it’s actually happening! This winter my book How to Rock Your Life: The Live Music Lover’s Guide to Raging the Sweet Life will be out in the world accompanied by a book tour. What a long strange trip it is to write a book. Holy guacamole!
There have been so many titles of this book that I lost count. It started out as How to Become a Joy Addict: The 12 Step Program. The title and the guidelines helped me to have an outline to get the book out of my head and onto the page. When I thought it was complete and ready for print, I went to social media and asked people for advice on book covers. When I saw what people came up with based on my title, I realized I had the wrong title. The outside (the title) didn’t reflect what was on the inside (the content). It was like I was wearing a polo shirt with khakis instead of yoga pants and sparkles.
I knew I needed a new title and I kinda freaked myself out trying to force one out of me. I slammed my laptop shut (gently because Macs are super expensive) and headed to a yoga class followed by a beer with my hubby and friend Judd. I surrendered to the flow and totally forgot about my book until Judd asked me about it. I told him about my title issue and shared how my book wasn’t like other self-help books. It was more badass. I exclaimed, “It’s a badass self-help book!”
Judd looked at me and said, “That’s it!”
The next title was born. The Badass Self-Help Book: 12 Steps to Ignite Your Awesome. I rewrote the book with this title and it felt more authentic. And then I stumbled into a bookstore and saw another book with the words badass and awesome in the title. My heart sank. My perfect title pretty much already existed. Back to the drawing board!
My unicorn soul sister Suzanne is always there for me when it comes to pretty much everything. She’s my go-to when it comes to book questions so I brought this up to her. As I was sadly telling her about my newest book problem, I stated, “I’m not really a badass anyway. I’m more of a sweet-ass. Hence, the next title came to life. The Sweet Ass Self-Help Book: 12 Steps to Ignite Your Awesome.
I rewrote the book again with the new title in mind and it felt pretty great until people started asking me questions when I talked about it. “Who is your book for?” “What’s it about?” Staring into space, I said nothing because I didn’t know the answer.
I spiraled down a dark hole and came up with titles such as: Flex Your Love Muscle, Don’t Be an Asshole: Read This Book and Your Cat Will Take a Dump in Your Shoe if You Don’t Read This Book and Other Serious Life Advice. Eek!
In a frantic panic, I called Suzanne again. She said something like, “Why don’t you come up with a title that speaks directly to your live music lovin audience?”
Doh! Of course. She was so right. I mean Dead & Company’s bassist extraordinaire Oteil Burbridge wrote the foreword, Ryan Montbleau, Jess Burbridge and Joel Cummins shared stories in it and I spoke in my native language of Jam Band throughout the entire book sharing insights and stories that only live music fanatics would truly get. How to Rock Your Life: The Live Music Lover’s Guide to Raging the Sweet Life came to be the perfect and final title.
Once I announced this title to the world on social media, the response was incredible. Live music fans are itching to pre-order the book because it speaks directly to them.
I wrote it for them. I just forgot for a couple of years.
This is a pattern I used to fall into when it came to my business as well. I would come up with online programs where I spoke to everyone because I didn’t want anyone to feel left out. I wanted to serve the world! But guess what happened? Since I wasn’t speaking to anyone in particular, no one was listening and I served no one. I remember calling up my friend Cora while I was at Gathering of the Vibes in Bridgeport, CT crying because the program I was leading was making $100/month. The problem was that I was not only forgetting to speak to my ideal peeps, but I wasn’t charging enough which sent the message that I didn’t value my work.
I know I’m not alone. So many of my entrepreneur friends have made the same mistakes. I want to support you so don’t make the same mistakes I did so you can find success and make a living doing what you love at a way faster rate.
If you’re obsessed with live music AND an entrepreneur or aspiring to be one, I would love to talk to you. I’m looking for 10 fans for my newest mentorship and support group who want to surround themselves with a dream team so they can rock their businesses.
You’ll receive support from me, from the other’s in the group and learn stuff from mentors Katie Wilson (Socially responsible financial planner and money magician) Daniel Weathers (Program and business budgeting my hot husband) Eric Gould (Pink Talking Fish, artist, father, artist manager, financial advisor, business consultant and practitioner of peace & fun) and Tony Scavone (Producer of Disc Jam and other magical musical events and shows).
It’s all happening starting October 23rd. If that speaks to your desires check this video out. If it doesn’t, but you have a friend who it does speak to, please forward this to them. Thank you <3
Space is limited to 10. Find out all the deets and reserve your space HERE.
Have questions? Contact me HERE and let’s talk!
The magic in me sees the magic in you,