My heart is breaking from all the sadness and fear that has been going on in the world lately that I have been craving community even more than usual. Without my loving friends and family I honestly feel that I would feel hopeless for our future. A couple of weeks ago, the weekend following the election, I led a writers retreat with singer/songwriter Ryan Montbleau and best selling author extraordinaire Suzanne Boothby.
This retreat was special for so many reasons, but the one that stands out the most for me was that we created a judgement free space that allowed everyone to be radically vulnerable and real. The support that was given was above and beyond anything that I have experienced in the real world. Sometimes life isn’t full of rainbows and unicorns and bad shit goes down. Stories and songs about all of those hard times were bravely shared at the retreat including serious topics such as rape, abuse, heartbreak and suicide.
That’s the magic right there.
If you feel alone and like no one really gets you, it’s probably because you are simply a magical unicorn navigating a sometimes dark world. You are not the only one! There are people out there that are waiting to embrace and celebrate your weirdness because they are just as weird as you. Your tribe is awaiting you at one of my Rock Your Life Retreats and/or Adventures.
Does the thought of hanging out with other soul seeking, wild and whacky live music fans in some of the most beautiful spots in the world sound like a hell yes to you? Or maybe even a whispering yes?
I’ve got a super special Cyber Monday Week offer coming in hot at you. Check out this video.
Let’s talk! Send me a message HERE and let me know you’re interested. Everyone who reaches out and sends me a message this week and decides to join me (even after this week) gets a free pair of fun socks sent to your door and a free one on one magical manifesting unicorn coaching session with me (Facetime/Skype or phone).
Want to learn more about the retreat and adventures happening this winter? You’re in luck!
The Sweet Ass Retreat (An intimate retreat for ladies with private yoga taught by me, epic dinners, meditation, smoothies, chocolate, wine, tea, aromatherapy and a special house concert just for us with one of my favorite people in the world. Limited to 6. January 23-25th in Burlington, VT)
Rock Your Life Retreat Peru (A plant medicine adventure including a trip to Machu Picchu, one on ones with a shaman and me, private yoga, all lodging, transportation once in Cusco and most meals. Feb 16-March 2nd)
Rock Your Life Costa Freakin Rica Adventure (A trip of epic proportions for live music adventurerers. Including surfing lessons, zip lining excursion, hikes, waterfalls, sunrises, yoga, meditation and private intimate concerts by the one and only Ryan Montbleau each night. All lodging, workshops, concerts, excursions, breakfasts and dinners included. Montezuma, Costa Rica March 13-18th)
See you somewhere in the world!
The magic in me sees the magic in you,