Last week while I was in Portland, Maine to see Phish I was in a difficult situation that had me questioning if I was a good person. During the show I was having a really hard time getting into it. I know that the trick is to surrender to the flow, and I was doing my best, but I kept on going over the scenario in my head thinking about how I could have done things differently.
And then the band played the song Blaze On.
“You got your nice shades on, and the worst days are gone
so now the band plays on, you got one life, blaze on.”
I realized that I was letting this situation that happened hours earlier ruin my good time. I knew in my heart that I did the best that I could do with the interaction and I acted from a place of love and compassion. I’m not responsible for how people react to me. It’s their experience and who am I to think that I have any control over it? How do I know that it wasn’t of highest good for her to react that way towards me? Maybe that interaction healed her in someway. Maybe not. It’s none of my business either way. However what is my business and what I do have control over is my own experience. I put my hands over my heart and said to myself, “I love you and I forgive you Tara.”
From that moment on I was in it. Our lives aren’t always rainbows and unicorns. Sometimes we’ve gotta work stuff out and sometimes it happens while our favorite band is playing their hearts out on the stage. That’s the amazing thing about live music and why I keep going back for more. The entire show was magical to me. Even at the beginning of the show when I was stuck in the darkness. That darkness allowed me to open my eyes to lights that were dancing all around me the whole time and the band’s lyrics that when I listened spoke to my soul.
Full of energy and high on life from the show I found myself dancing to a Dead cover band. Out of nowhere this man grabs my shoulders and says something like, “Taraleigh! I don’t know if you remember me, but at least 9 year ago at Moe.down you saved me. I was in a really dark place and you really listened to me and saw me. I’ve been following what you’re up to ever since and you’re my hero. Your daily posts and newsletters always speak to me. I’m doing great now!!!”
We hugged and I told him that in that moment he saved me and told me exactly what I needed to hear so now we’re even. We can be each others’ heroes.
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I would love to be there for you in a big way like I was for Christopher (the man from the aftershow in Portland). Come to my beautiful town of Burlington, VT which is one of the most inspiring places on the planet for a Unicorn Day. Throughout the day we will heartstorm and create magic together. You’ll receive a private yoga class, a personal live music performance just for you in my backyard (artist TBD) and get treated to the best restaurants Burlington has to offer. This offer is only available to 5 people. If this speaks to you, send me a message HERE so we can create your own personal Unicorn Day. I rarely have offerings like this so the spaces will likely fill up quickly.
I’m looking forward to unicorning you.
The awesome in me sees and bows to the awesome in you,
I LOVED this post! I had a similar situation right before the Hartford show. A family situation occurred with my kids & hubby back home while I was away phishn’. Tough bc I wasn’t home
To help and felt useless….(luckily found a friend there to help them out). But it was hard to get back into the fun mindset I was having, pre-show, and then at the show at first . I had to really concentrate to go with the flow. Ended up dancing my butt off; getting a little teary-eyed during Some songs ……but had the best show of my summer that night
I LOVED this post! I had a similar situation right before the Hartford show. A family situation occurred with my kids & hubby back home while I was away phishn’. Tough bc I wasn’t home
To help and felt useless….(luckily found a friend there to help them out). But it was hard to get back into the fun mindset I was having, pre-show, and then at the show at first . I had to really concentrate to go with the flow. Ended up dancing my butt off; getting a little teary-eyed during Some songs ……but had the best show of my summer that night