Oteil was shocked that I’d never been to NOLA before because he said I dressed like the city on a daily basis. I said, “Well then…I should go during JazzFest and we can do something together.”
What we did was Oteil and his amazing brother Kofi Burbridge serenaded about 40 people while I taught my first ever yoga class. It was so magical, beautiful, inspiring and heart opening.
At the beginning of class I had everyone huddle around Oteil and Kofi. We came together by taking five deep breaths. I had everyone send love and gratitude to them for sharing their gift of music with us.
From there I led a powerful guided meditation that connected us all with ourselves, each other, our loved ones and the world on a much deeper level. During the gentle jazzy flow we bumped and grinded our way into chair pose, stretched out our tired dancing muscles and had the most epic savasana of our lives. To close class I had us all huddle around O and K again and had each person share one word to describe how they were feeling. As the words love, blissed, happy, connected, joyful, relaxed and inspired came out of our mouths we all cried because we felt to grateful to be there right then.
It was a moment I’ll never forget.
…and that was the day Love Bomb Yoga was born. Stay tuned!
Doing new things is always scary. I had thoughts in my head like,
“Who are you to teach a yoga class with music legends to actual yogis?”
“You’ve never taught yoga before. Are you crazy?”
“You’re not going to know what to do.”
“Everyone is going to hate it.”
I thanked those thoughts for showing up because I know they are there to protect me from getting hurt. If I chickened out there would be no way of knowing if I would fail or not. Then I told those thoughts that they are free to go because I’ve totally got this. And I did!
What’s something new that you’ve done lately that you were scared of, but did anyway? Leave a comment below so I can celebrate you!
The awesome in me sees and bows to the awesome in you,