You know those moments that happen in life when everything comes together and you feel so joyous that at any moment you may combust into a pile of dirt, sand and glitter?
I have felt that way many times in my life.
Once at my wedding when I looked around and saw my beautiful new husband and realized that everyone in the room was there because of us and I felt a huge wave of love.
At the end of the yoga class I taught in New Orleans that Oteil and Kofi Burbridge had played for and we were all huddled in a circle. Everyone had just said one word that they were feeling and we were all crying.
A couple of weekends ago at Waking Windows in Winnoski, VT I was dancing front and center while Madaila played. The weather was perfect, I was wearing my sparkle skirt and the music was singing to my soul.
At Phish in Hartford it was 75 degrees out and there was a warm summer breeze. I said, “The only thing that would make this night any better is if they played Sleeping Monkey.” The moment the words left my lips, they starting playing the song.
When I was in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica the first time I had just watched a sunset, when all of a sudden I heard Ryan Montbleau’s sweet voice. We followed the sound until we found him at an open mic. There were candles, tropical breezes, delicious chilled wine while Ryan led a group of locals to play beautiful music.
When I feel that way I take three deep breaths. I focus on feeling the feelings in every cell of my body. I find a spot on my body to press like that area on my palm between my thumb and pointer, or my thigh right above my knee, or my lower back I put that feeling in that spot. When I’m feeling sad, anxious or alone I press on the spot and I’m instantly transported back to that moment in time when everything was magical. And then I remember that if I felt that way then I can feel that way in any moment.
I would love to hear all about your magical moments. Share them by leaving a comment below.
The awesome in me sees and bows to the awesome in you,