I love live music because it’s one of the places where I realized that it’s ok to be my true-authentic-weird-wild-free-sparkle fairy self. Because I let her out at festivals I slowly started to realize she was safe to come out everyday. I started small with tie dye bras under my practical teacher shirts. I had a dreadlock brewing under my professional cheerleader hair.
The day I tore my ACL tumbling for the NY Knicks was the day I thought my life was over. In reality it was the day I was reborn. From that moment on I decided I wouldn’t do anything just for money again and I would let my freak flag fly everyday. I saw how my injury actually happened FOR me and not TO me even though it totally sucked at the time.
It wasn’t a perfect journey as I fell off my unicorn many times and was dragged behind it in the dirt. But I got back on every time. Now instead of cursing my ACL for tearing, I thank it on the reg for it was the Universe’s way of bitch slapping me so I would stop doing what I thought I was supposed to be doing and kicked my ass into gear to start doing what I loved that was of service to the world even though I had no idea what that was at the time and sometimes still don’t.
What was your ACL/Universal bitch slap moment and how did it happen for you?
Leave a comment below. <3
The awesome in me sees and bows to the awesome in you,