When someone offers to pay for your dinner do you have a hard time accepting and say something like, “No. You don’t have to” or “Are you sure?” or “No no no! I’ll pay.”?
Even though you may feel like you don’t want to take advantage of that person or that they might not mean it or you feel bad accepting the generous gift you are actually being really selfish.
Think about the last time you gave a gift to someone. You can probably remember the look of gratitude on their face and the excitement you felt right before giving them the gift. It feels really good to give so when you say things like, “Are you sure you want to give me this amazing gift that you really want to give me” you are taking something away from the person who really wants to give you whatever it is they are giving.
You work so hard in your life. If you find yourself giving and giving and giving a little more, I have a challenge for you. This week is your week to receive. Every time someone offers you something (as long as it fits within your morals and is legal) say yes! Say yes and thank you and don’t feel obligated to give them something back in return. This goes for compliments too. Are you in?
Let me know by typing “I’m in!” in the comments section below.
We work a lot on the art of receiving in Rock Your Life Mentorship which is my virtual coaching program for live music fans. If receiving is something you have difficulty with fill out this form and I’ll schedule a FREE magical musing session with you.
I have a friend who is need of receiving big time right now. Maggie is an amazing person, wife, mother and an infinite amount of other things who would literally give you her Frye boots off her feet if you needed them. Now, at 35, this beautiful person is facing a battle many of us are familiar with from personal or familial experience- breast cancer. If you, your friends, or your family has ever had to tangle with an aggressive cancer, you already know that the costs and the scope of the support needed far exceed what can be covered by insurance.
I am going to be offering card readings for donations all next week. I will match the total donation amount up to $100. The way it works…
Follow this link and make a donation of any amount
After your donation is complete write the word ‘donated’ in the comments section below.
I will pull a card just for you with a message from the Unicorns, a goddess, the earth, a power animal or simply a mantra. I will FB message you a picture of the card along with the meaning. You will receive it at some point next week.
Click share and spread the love for Maggie.
Or you can just donate directly to her yourself>>>here
The awesome in me sees and bows to the awesome in you,
I’m in!!! And Donated, Lots Of Love, Light and Strength to Maggie!!!
I am in!!!!!!!