For me, festivals and live music shows are essential to my well-being because they charge my life-battery to the max. When I allowed that festival feeling to be a way of life and not something that I just got to experience at a show or festival, my battery never went empty again. AND I was able to enjoy not only my present moment daily, but I enjoyed the festivals I went to even more. The reason being I was consciously living in the present moment there too in even bigger ways than I thought possible.
Festival me vs real life me=the same me
To keep this up every day I take a couple of breaths while consciously feeling joy in every cell of my body. I make a big point to do this especially during the times I’m not feeling particularly joyful. If I can feel joy at a festival, when I’m hugging someone I love, when I’m watching the sunset or when I’m dancing in the sunshine to my favorite band I can feel that way anytime and anywhere I want.
You can do it too. The festival is in us. It’s in our hearts. It’s in our souls. Often it’s left in the form of dirt, sand and glitter in our hair for months. We are our own festivals!!! How do you bring the festival into your own life? Let me know by leaving a comment below.
Want to put this into action even more? Join me for a FREE Five Day Virtual Festival happening Sept 7-11th. Sign up>>> here to get on the guest list.
The awesome in me sees and bows to the awesome in you,