Today I will educate you on a very important subject. Your life may or may not be the same after watching this video.
I would love to hear which boob/pocket rocks you feel connected to so please share by leaving a comment.
I mentioned the Virtual Festival I’m throwing in September and I would be honored to be able to offer you a guest list spot. You can get on the list >>>here.
This weekend is MagnaBall and I’m so excited!!!! If you are interested in feeling as good as you do the first day of the festival after the festival you may be interested in the Rock Your Life Cleanse:the 3-Day Post Festival Detox Plan. You can learn all about it >>>here.
Lastly…If you love me, Ryan Montbleau and Costa Rica you won’t want to miss out on Rock Your Life Retreat Costa Rica. Everything you need to know is located >>>here.
The awesome in me sees and bows to the awesome in you,
Moss agate was what came first to my mind. I looked it up and it fit very well with what I need right now. Gotta find my pocket rock.