I saw so many people who had the kind of life and business I desired. I used to feel jealous and even found myself saying mean things about those people to make myself feel better. It never worked and felt really yucky.
What did work was seeing what it was that I was jealous of because whatever it was is what I was capable of cultivating within myself. Instead of staying stuck in the yuck I was able to create movement and allow my amazing life to happen.
Now when I see awesome people I feel inspired and motivated by their magic. How did I do it?
I became aware of my thoughts and feelings.
If you want to kick your jealous feelings in the bootie you have to realize that it’s happening when it’s happening. When you are conscious to your jealousy you can start to do something about it if you choose.
I became grateful for what I had.
Instead of focusing on what others had that I didn’t have and wanted, I shifted my focus on what I did have and expressed gratitude for it.
Every night before I go to bed, in my head I express gratitude for all the awesome in my life. In the morning I write it down in my journal. When I realized how awesome my life was it made it really easy to celebrate other’s wins as well.
When I felt jealousy towards someone I asked myself, “What do they have that I’m desiring to cultivate within myself?”
When I ask myself that question it allows me to be inspired by their awesome and not jealous of it. Watching amazing people and surrounding myself with them makes me a better person. If they can do it, then I can too…and so can you!
Can you relate to this? Have you ever said mean things about awesome people? How do you kick jealousy in the ass. Join the conversation by leaving a comment below.
The awesome in me sees and bows to the awesome in you,
I can so relate.
One thing I have to ask myself is ‘What is it they’ve got that I think I want?” Almost always, I don’t want exactly what they have.
I know a few musicians. I think I want what they have, until I take a closer look. Some of them are music teachers working with children. I don’t want that. Some of them travel long distances daily. I don’t want that.
I look at what it is I do want, and realize that’s easy because it’s a perfect fit for me. I can do that. I can have that. I can be that.
And I make it my business to surround myself with people who make it their business to live like I want to live. Free thinkers.