When challenged by Nisha Moodley’s #FreedomAdventure to wear something I feel beautiful in, I normally wouldn’t choose to wear something that showed all of me. I’ve been embarrassed of my chunky tushie ever since I can remember.
I remember tying sweatshirts around my waist at cheerleading practice in elementary school.
I remember when I had a growth spurt in high school and they had to add material to the booty area of my dance costume.
I remember when I turned 30 and decided I would only wear bathing suits with skirts to hide my thunder thighs and cellulite.
So when choosing what to wear for this challenge I decided that my butt and thighs are MY butt and thighs. They’ve done so much for me. The reason I was the fastest tumbler in the NBA was because of them. The reason I can dance for an entire Phish show on a hill is because of them. The reason I can walk into town every day to bring my husband lunch is because of them. How awesome are they? Why should I hide them? They don’t deserve to be shamed and hated. So here they are and I love everything about them.
I would see photos like this of other people and think they looked beautiful. Then I would look at myself and point out everything I thought was wrong about my body and then felt guilty and ashamed because of it. It’s truly amazing how mean we can be to ourselves. I would never think the things I thought about myself about other people. I’m now treating myself like my own best friend. Me and my butt are BFFs.
In Costa Rica when I first let my butt out of hiding by wearing a bathing suit without a skirt and shared about it people said,
“No one is looking at the imperfections on your butt because they are too busy paying attention to their own.”
I thought, “What if they were paying attention and looking at my butt in disgust? Would that matter?”
Someone else said, “Everyone has cellulite so it’s no big deal.”
I thought, “Many people do. It’s true. But…what if I were the only person in the world that did. Would that matter?”
Someone said, “The size and shape of your butt doesn’t make you a better friend, family member, sister, coach, writer, dancer, lover or wife.”
I thought, “Truth!!!”
Here’s my challenge to you. Whatever it is about yourself that you find yourself hatin’ on,ย let’s take today to show it some lovin’.
Are you bald? Take off your hat!
Have crooked teeth? Smile big!
Does your stomach stick out? Wear a form fitting shirt!
Do you have wrinkles? Smile harder because they are your road map of all the awesome times you’ve had!
Have a big butt and thighs? Wear a bathing suit without a skirt, take a picture of yourself and share it with the world!
I would love to see your photos. Share them by leaving a comment below. I celebrate you!!!!
The awesome in me sees and bows to the awesome in you,
The awesome in me sees and bows to the awesome in you. My new favorite quote of yours is “me and my butt are BFFs.” Thanks for the nudge โก
Didn’t realize I was being self-conscious about the weight I gained over the winter until I read this.
So what? That means I didn’t go hungry. ๐
I just bought a new form-fiting summer top that doesn’t hide much and I can’t wait to wear it!
I just might have to. ๐
Love it, Taraleigh! Only recently have I come to love my voluptuous booty and thighs, but it feels so great. For so long I despised the cellulite on my thighs and bum and told myself that I was gross, hideous, etc. Then, I stopped caring. My cellulite does not define me, but it is a part of who I am so I chose to love it with all that I am. I <3 my curves!