Whenever I fall off the awesome wagon it’s because without a doubt I slacked on my epic morning rituals. I remember one time this summer when I said to my coaches, “I am in such a funk. When I’m at festivals on the weekends I’m so happy. I feel great. I practice yoga. I am in the flow and magic and miracles happen all around me all the time. Then I go home and I forget to experience the magic and that’s why I’m in my funk. I fell off the wagon and onto my sparkly butt!”
This is me and my sparkle butt in the flow at Gathering of the Vibes
One of my coaches said, “Have you been forgetting to do your Epic Morning Rituals?”
Ding ding ding!
She nailed it on the head. For the next week until I spoke to my coaches again I made it a priority to do my Epic Morning Rituals. A week later when I was back with my coaches and they asked me how I was doing I said, “I feel great! That sh*t that I’m teaching my clients really works!”
We all laughed because sometimes we all fall off our wagons onto our sparkly butts and what gets us back onto our unicorns is routine and accountability.
In this video I explain what an epic morning ritual is, why they are so important and then I invite you to join me for the FREE #irockmymorning challenge starting this Monday. The challenge combines the magic formula of routine and accountability.
Sign up >>>here and share with your friends.
Have you ever fallen off the wagon? What do you do to get back on? Join the conversation at the bottom of this blog.
The awesome in me sees and bows to the awesome in you,