Life can be very demanding and overwhelming. Sometimes it feels like we have little to no control over the situations we’re in and it can feel like we’re drowning. If we don’t check in with ourselves about the stress we’re putting on ourselves, it will take a toll on everything in our lives and we lose our awesome.
Relationships will suffer.
Your health will suffer.
Your well-being will suffer.
Your awesome will suffer.
When this happens your light will dim and it will be almost impossible to do anything. Taking time to relax, rest and to recharge your battery isn’t a luxury. Hell no! It’s a necessity. It’s as important as brushing your teeth, eating and sleeping.
Phish said it best when they said,
“We want you to be happy
Don’t live inside the gloom
We want you to be happy
Come step outside your room
We want you to be happy
Cause this is your song too.”
Have you lost a little bit of your awesome? Do you have any of these symptoms?
Feeling tired
Not taking care of your personal needs
Feeling sick and tired all the time
Not able to sleep well
Trouble concentrating
Drinking too much
Eating too much or too little
Overreacting to situations
Not seeing enough live music
I feel ya. It happens to all of us sometimes. There’s good news! You can get your awesome back.
Here are my tips on how to reclaim your awesome in a wild world:
Do the things you enjoy Being a busy person it might seem impossible to take time to do something you love. It’s not impossible and it’s not a luxury. It’s a must. Get creative and make it a priority because it is. Take at least thirty minutes a day to do something you love every single damn day.
Ask for help It would be great if everyone in our lives were mind readers and knew what was up for us, but they’re not. If you need help, ask for it.
Surrender to the flow Life happens. Sometimes it’s mind-blowingly awesome. Other times it sucks ass. The key is to surrender to the flow. Throw in the towel and ride the wave.
Laugh Laughter is the best medicine. I saw Fred Armison do stand-up and someone in the crowd asked him what his key to a happy life was and he said, “Hang out with funny people.” He’s right. Hang out with funny people, watch funny movies, check out funny clips on YouTube or check out some stand-up comedy.
Self-Care like woah! The better you take care of yourself, the better you are able to care for others. Getting a massage or going to a yoga class isn’t selfish. It’s actually the opposite. The better you feel, the better everyone around you feels. Bubble baths, smoothies, workouts and meditation are the first steps towards world peace. Do your part and pamper your ass!
Focus on what you can control You can’t control the fact that your best friend has cancer or that your favorite band is playing in Hawaii and you’re not going. What you can control is how you react to these situations. Choose to react with love and it will feel way more awesome.
Recognize that life is happening FOR you and not TO you It’s true. Everything in life no matter how tragic is happening for you. Choose to see the miracle in everything. It may not seem clear right away especially when you are deep IN it, but you will eventually see the miracle and the sooner you can do this the more awesome you will feel on a day to day basis.
Go to a Rock Your Life Retreat Music festivals are my happy place. It’s a place where you get to hang out with your chosen family for an entire weekend while sharing meals, laughs and stories. And on top of that the main event is the amazing music your soul gets treated to all day and into the night.
It’s the place where you can dress yourself head to toe in sequins or wear a chicken costume because you feel like it and no one bats an eye.
It’s the place where you can dance like a robot, a Rockette, a piece of spaghetti, a dreidel or a professional hip hop video dancer and it’s all completely normal.
It’s the place where you can be whoever you want to be and do almost whatever you want to do (as long as it’s legal) and it’s celebrated.
It’s the happy place for myself and so many of you.
And in the winter I crave it.
I want a little festival battery re-charge.
So I decided to do another Rock Your Life Retreat so I could feel all of those things I love about festivals. And I’m inviting you to join me.
Come to Vermont Feb 27th- March 1st. It’s going to be amazing!!!
Last year after the last retreat I posted pictures and so many of you expressed to me how sad you were that you weren’t there. I don’t want that to happen to you again so I’m making it really easy for you. I’m offering the crazy Cyber Monday deal all this week (ending Dec 8th at midnight)!
Check it all out and secure your spot >>>here (They are going really fast. Only 9 left!!!)
What past participants said about why you should go to Rock Your Life Retreat:
Rebecca: It’s life altering in a simplistic yet profound way.
Lisa: Taraleigh is a modern day magician. It was truly an experience and I hope everyone who is able to go is smart enough to jump on this opportunity!
Carla: Absolutely blissful! The location, the energy, the activities, the connection to others and self. Everything was aligned for all of us to be there and really be present. I have already told several people that this was exactly the work that I needed to move from a place of stagnation.
Rose: If you ever get a chance to go to a Rock Your Life Retreat with Taraleigh, sell your television or whatever if you have to and GO!!!
I hope to see you in Vermont so you can reclaim your awesome!
The awesome in me sees and bows to the awesome in you,