Hello. My name is Taraleigh and I guide people who are in love with live music. I help them let the authentic expression of themselves that they let out at festivals show in their everyday lives, so they don’t have to feel like they’re leading a double life anymore. I teach them how to add more abundance into their lives so they can afford all the concert tickets they desire while having a lot of fun.
Sounds awesome doesn’t it? That’s because it is, but sometimes I totally forget to embody what I teach.
It’s interesting how I felt like I was sleeping through life instead of living it awake. I felt like I was in a rut and I didn’t know how to get out. I was stuck. I’m forever grateful to my own coaches that I’ve enrolled to support me. They opened my eyes to what I was doing. I’m excited to report that when I started to embody what I was teaching again that the sh*t really works!!!
Since I’m just one big mirror of you I’m guessing many of you can relate to what I’m saying.
One major thing I forgot to do that works like magic for the people I work with is to start my day with a Joy Party. What do I do during my Joy Party? So many things! Or so little things depending on the day, but as long as I do something it changes my entire world. Here are some examples of what I do. Sometimes I do all of them and sometimes I do one of them.
I let Pandora pick my song of the day by hitting play. I lie in bed while listening to the song.
I sing Meat Loaf songs with passion.
I write in my journal.
I do card readings for myself.
I sing in the shower.
I read inspirational blogs and articles.
I move my body to music.
I meditate.
I color in my coloring book.
I stare at myself in the mirror and tell myself what I think is beautiful.
I listen to guided meditations.
I’ve got a super awesome challenge for you. Come up with your own Joy Party and share in the comments below one or one hundred of the things you are going to commit to doing tomorrow morning. Let’s party people!!!
The awesome in me sees and bows to the awesome in you,
Isn’t it glorious when we remember who we are?!!!! My joy parties sound much like your joy parties!!!! I’ll add get down on the ground and roll around with my puppy to my tomorrow morning joy list.
I literally sang Meatloaf at the top of my lungs once I got into my car this morning… And now I stumble upon your site… AMAZING!!!
my joy party is a hot bubble bath, a long walk in the woods listening to radiohead, baking cakes and pies and cookies, dancing in my underwear, painting, laughing, climbing trees, writing a letter to someone via snailmail, or calling someone special to spill my guts or hear them spill theres or just to say HEYOOOO! <3