My boobs are too small. Oh wait! No. My boobs are too big. My butt is so huge and full of cellulite. I’m so gross! If I suck in my stomach really hard it will look ok. Ugh. It’s still not flat enough. My thighs are so huge everyone must be staring at them thinking horrible things. My gums are too big and my teeth are too small. I probably should never smile again. Damn it! Why aren’t my eyes blue and my hair blonde? My brown eyes and hair are so boring. Why do I have so many curves! Go away curves! If I was taller, thinner and prettier my life would be so much better.
This is the way I used to think about myself. I would never think those things about anyone else ever! I was my own worst enemy.
I put all my worth into what I looked like, so I was never enough.
Society and the media put so much emphasis on what you look like and not much on what’s going on inside. I decided to conduct an experiment of my own to see what my peers thought of my physical appearance.
I asked people on my Facebook page to describe what I looked like physically. I asked them to be honest and to not hold back. The answers I got kind of shocked me. I thought people were going to describe what I looked like focusing on my flaws, but that’s not what happened.
Here’s what they said:
You look Just like my friend Taraleigh
An athletic sprite of shimmer and sparkle, radiating joy and love. It’s tough to see past all that, so that’s my answer.
Goddess gypsy motherly keeper of earth able to leap tall mountains
Straight up fairy wood nymph unicorn kale goddess
Petite and fit, dark haired, amazing smile, sparkly eyes and personality, radiating love
Athletic, limber, healthy, happy and sexy
I see pure natural beauty. I see the truest smile ever. I see pure happiness. Honesty. Faithfulness. One of God’s helpers. I see someone special.
Playful confidence. Easy beauty.
I see a healthy happy bundle of energy with a zest for life and a heart for others
A beautiful, glitter-gypsy-hippie. A true organized, free spirit! You look to me like a muse and true inspiration of love, light and life.
You appear to be a mystical light beacon ninja type
Boho, disco chic, hippie goddess of light and love
Musically minded forward thinker with a pension for tomfoolery and an insatiable need to boogie
You’ve got a pretty average yet athletic physique, great curves, super creamy skin, awesome smile with proportioned facial features that have an off-beat beauty to them, thick full-bodied Jewey hair. Your facial expressions seem, in my experience, to have a certain glow that always tend to have a positive and interested look [if that makes sense?] maybe my perception is spot on, since you do that voodoo that you do….professionally of course. Overall, I think You’re a very aesthetically pleasing woman.
A shiny, happy person- unafraid of breaking societal norms in order to live the life you find personally fulfilling rather than molding yourself to fit within the status quo. Dynamic, intelligent, well-meaning & well-spoken. (size wise you’re what most guys would refer to as ‘a spinner’)
You’re a bird with feathers that make you fly
You look like a sparkle pony
I wish I knew this is how people saw me years ago, because I wouldn’t have placed so much importance on my physical appearance.
Years ago after a major body shaming session with myself I decided I had enough. I was going to start to love and accept myself unconditionally just as I was inside and out. The other way wasn’t working for me anymore.
Here’s how I shifted things. (And just for the record, I am a human with an ego and sometimes I fall off the self-love wagon)
I looked in the mirror and expressed why certain parts of my body rocked.
- Examples:
- My thighs are so strong! When I’m in a port-o-potty I can squat and not fall into the toilet.
- My stomach digests all of my food and one day will carry a baby in it. Holy moly that’s awesome!
- My butt is so big because I power walk a lot, am amazing at acrobatics and from all the yoga I do. It’s such a blessing.
- Examples:
I proved that I love myself on a daily basis with my actions.
- I asked myself, “How can I show myself love today?” and whatever came forward, I made it a priority to do that.
- Examples:
- Having tea with a good friend
- Wearing my favorite outfit
- Listening to music
- Taking stretch and dance breaks while working
- Eating healthy, nourishing and delicious foods
- Getting massages
- Practicing yoga
- Taking naps
- Exercising in ways that feel good
- Examples:
- I asked myself, “How can I show myself love today?” and whatever came forward, I made it a priority to do that.
I did my best to make the world a better place.
- Examples:
- Smiling at people I pass on the street
- Picking up trash and throwing it away
- Investing in products, people and companies I believe in
- Practicing radical kindness
- Being the best most amazing version of myself I can be
- Doing every single thing I do with love
- Examples:
In the comment section below share why your body rocks. Let me know what you’re going to do on a daily basis to prove that you love yourself with your actions. Share how you make the world a better place.
I see you and you’re beautiful.
The awesome in me sees and bows to the awesome in you,
Yeah, girl! I love your friends descriptions of you! Great post… so necessary and and true 🙂
My body rocks because I grew a human inside it! So totally amazing 🙂 Today I showed my body I loved it by not working out because I’m feeling really icky and it needs some rest today.
I like my smile. God gave it to me and I pass it on to others.