I asked people to share times they manifested music into their lives, and the stories that were shared were of epic proportions. If these people could manifest this magic into their lives you can too. It isn’t just limited to music, but to anything you want in life. Check out how they put what they wanted out into the universe, released expectations and then opened themselves up to receive. It’s the magic formula!
Had been on the road for 10 days and made it to alpine with no funds and hardly gas to get home to Louisiana. It was my phishaversary and I didn’t want to get shut out. So I joined the other 50 people standing outside the entrance with my finger in the air. I was not asking for a miracle, but rather, a discount. Many people informed me that it was not sold out, but I could not afford to buy it at face. This was the only time I had ever not paid full price, but kept telling myself I would get in. I was saying, “it’s my phishaversary, sell me your extra!” But there were so many others looking that I got no attention. Finally, i was almost giving up and a nice young man came up and handed me a ticket and said, “happy phishaversary! Go enjoy it!”
I hugged him so hard and cried. I offered him money, but he would not take it. His friends all high fives him after seeing how happy he made me. It was my one and only miracle. And I had a great time!
Plus. It was the day after I met Taraleigh !!
My stories:
I had a bunch of people staying with me from Rock the Earth because they were in town for the Wilco show. They only had room for one person on their guest list so I told Dan he could go. While walking around town I look down and see a ticket. I pick it up and it’s a ticket to the show. I look down about 5 feet ahead of me and I see money. I pick it up and it’s $60. I look around and yell out, “Did anyone lose a ticket?” No one responded. I waited for thirty minutes for the person who lost the ticket and money to come back for it, but they didn’t. I went to the show and had the best time ever.
My husband used to not believe that you could manifest whatever you wanted into your life. It was the time when Phish came back from their breakup and were playing Hampton. It was almost impossible to get get tickets because everyone and their mothers wanted to be at that show. We put in for the ticket lottery and I told Dan to visualize us there. Feel the feeling when the lights go down for the first time. See us dancing. Know it to be true.
Guess what?!?! We got all three nights in the lottery and now Dan is a manifestation believer.
The awesome in me sees and bows to the awesome in you.