I would like to announce something very exciting. My motha Renee is going to edit these blog posts before I unleash them onto the world. My zone of genius isn’t grammar and hers is, so it’s a perfect match.
Yesterday when I was on the phone with her, I asked her if she would do me the honor of being my Fairy Grammar Mother for my blogs and she said, “Of course! I would really like that.” I let her know in return for making my words sound right, I would be sending her a monthly gift. She said, “You don’t have to do that.” I said, “I know I don’t. You are taking the time out of your busy day when you could be out having fun, going for walks, shopping, watching Yankee games, going to the gym and having lunch with your friends, so I am very grateful for this. (She is more busy now that she’s retired). You are giving me your energy and in exchange I want to give you something. She responded, “You really don’t have to.” I responded, “I know I don’t have to, but I want to. I want you to see my unedited blog post and be really excited to edit it and I never want you to think, ‘Ugh I have to do THIS again?’ I want to have an energy exchange so she doesn’t feel resentment towards the task…And I love giving people presents so it serves me to be able to pick out something special each month for my mom.
I once had a coach ask me if I turned down gifts, favors and money when people offered them to me. I thought, “Yes! I do that all the time.” He responded by telling me I was
being selfish and sending a really bad message to the Universe. Whoever is offering you these gifts, favors and money wants to give you those things or they wouldn’t offer. It’s insulting to them when you say no. On top of that you are putting a halt on the the abundance that naturally wants to flow into your life.
I never thought of it that way. I was so concerned about being a bother to them and I didn’t want to be greedy. I didn’t see that by not taking the gifts they were offering I was WAS being greedy. On top of that, by saying no and not receiving the gifts I was putting a stop to the flow of abundance that wants to come my way.
Offer me something. I’ll say yes (As long as it’s legal and in alignment with my morals) <<<<tweet me
I have a challenge for you if you choose to accept it. This week I want you to say yes to everything that is offered to you (as long as it’s legal and is in alignment with your morals). Report to me how that felt and what your received.