There are no coincidences. One thing we don’t have control over is flight statuses and in my experience it has always been a good thing. When I find out a flight is delayed or canceled I say, “Universe. I’m open to whatever magic and miracles you have coming my way. Thank you for this extra time to just be.” My flight was delayed in LaGuardia and I have to admit at first I was a little upset because I just wanted to get home because I missed Dan. I called him and whined for a moment and then remembered my flight delay mantra and said it.
Moments later I found a spot and heard this wild man from Louisiana talking animately. He captures my attention and I introduced myself to him. His name is Marcel. We start talking and he shared with me that he’s going to Vermont to say goodbye to his younger brother who is in hospice care.
I spent the previous week in North Carolina visiting Heavenly Mountain for a retreat site visit where I was gifted a book full of uplifting end of life stories. I felt called to pull it out of my bag. I asked him if he would like to read some stories from the book. He did and after a couple of moments he started to weep. He looked me in the eyes and said,
“Wow. It’s so clear that we’re all one and never alone. I’m going to share this sorry with my brother. It will bring him and me comfort. Thank you.”
A man named Alex who is in a wheelchair because he injured his ankle over hears us talking and joins the conversation. During our chat I asked him what hurting his ankle has taught him. He shared that he’s a busy journalist who travels a lot. His Dad is really sick and he never had time to visit. This injury allowed him to slow down so he could go to Brazil to be there for his dad.
I saw the shift in perception happen.
He shifted from mad and frustrated about his injury to seeing it as a blessing. He made shift happen. <<<Tweet if you make shift happen.
Then I said, “That Universe sure is a bitch if you don’t listen and are doing things that aren’t in alignment for the greatest good.”
We all cracked up.
The 3 of us talked for over an hour about the Universe, how to tune into the Universe, why listening to those Universal signs helps you to avoid Universal bitch slaps and how we’re all in this thing called life together.
Marcel, me and Alex
I would love to hear some of your stories when you opened yourself up to magic and miracles. Join the conversation at the bottom of this blog.