How do you see yourself?
My parents recently sold the house I grew up in to live their retirement dream (to stalk the NY Yankees). We did a lot of cleaning and going thru boxes and boxes of stuff. I had thought I had gone through everything when over Thanksgiving my parents gave me a box of stuff from high school including my year book. I sat down and read what my classmates wrote about me I was shocked how they saw me.
They saw me for the person I wished I was who I am now and I guess I was then too. I totally didn’t see it.
I saw myself as annoying, hyperactive, fat, not wanted, not fitting in, silly, stupid and that boys didn’t like me.
What I read was quite the opposite. I remember reading what people wrote back when I was in high school and thinking, “they were just being nice.” Now I see they weren’t being nice. They were telling the truth.
I didn’t see it because I wasn’t being nice to myself so I didn’t believe their words.
Me in high school.
Here are some of the things people wrote about me back in High School.
“Congrats on passing prob and stat. That was hard, but it was much more fun because you made it fun. If you can make prob and stats fun you can make anything fun.”
“My favorite memory of you is playing walkie talkies for hours. You always make me laugh. When I’m sad I can always count on you to tell me something funny to make me feel better. I love that you always take my stories and make them dirty.”
“You’re a great friend. I always have fun when I hang out with you whether we’re singing every song we know or just making farm animal noises over the phone for two hours. You amuse me like no one else. You know what I like about you? Everything, but most of all your ability to accept things. You know what else? You make everyone around you happy. That’s so you. You have a gift. Never lose your sense of humor. I love it!”
“When I first met you I saw you as a cheery popular cheerleader. Little did I know what an absolute dork you were. You make me laugh for hours over the silliest things like lip syncing to every song on the radio all the way to Florida. Just being near you make me happy. You always complain about being stupid. I love the deep thoughts you have, the unique way you see the world and the meaningful things you say. Your best quality by far is your patience. You never yell at me for crying too much or over complaining or being shy at dumb times or not going to parties. No. You always accept me and everyone for who they are and you still love them. You always see the good in people and that makes you such a great person (even when you are misbehaving). PS They say you can always judge a person by their friends ergo, that must mean you are extremely smart and don’t let any ever tell you otherwise.”
“Have fun in college. I know you will. I mean you made Lakeland fun.”
“You are the most unique person I’ve ever met. I know you think you are a weirdo, and you are, but that’s what makes you so awesome.”
“PS: To Tara’s kids, she’s not as crazy as you may think…well actually she is.”
I don’t remember REALLY seeing what people wrote about me until now. My mind is kinda blown.
I have a mission for you if you choose to accept it. Post a Facebook status asking your friends to share 3 words that describe how they see you and click the link below to tweet it.
What three words would you use to describe me? <Tweet this
Share what came up for you by joining the conversation at the bottom of this post. Do you believe what they said? Do you think they’re just being nice? How do you see yourself compared to how people see you? Is there a disconnect?
The awesome in me sees the awesome in you.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I’m grateful for you.
Love and light,
PS Shameless Promotion of My Stuff that Makes Great Gifts
Rock Your Life Retreat with Taraleigh and Ryan Montbleau at Dreaming Mountain in Johnson, VT: May 16-18 with optional add on Thursday and Sunday night stay $997-$1397. Payment plans available. Only $200 to hold your space.
Ryan Montbleau and I had such a successful retreat in October we had to do it again. This retreat makes an amazing gift for yourself or a loved one. It’s an experience no one in attendance will ever forget. I mean in October we had a Ryan concert in bed, raged a blind folded dance party and our amazing energy shattered a window. It was epic. Reserve your spot with a $200 down payment. Only 10 spaces available and they are sure to go really fast. Reserve your space today. Learn more about the retreat here.
Pay by the Minute 1 on 1 Coaching with Me
My mission on this earth is open everyone’s eyes to see the shining light I see in them. I see you. If you or someone you love is having a hard time, we all feel it. At the same time your success is my success. Your loved ones success is all of our successes. Let’s talk about how together we can find fun ways to Rock your Lives and or Businesses or get a card reading done during a quick to the point laser sharp session or a 3 hour in depth phone/skype session. $4 per minute. Pre-pay below. Once I receive payment I will contact you to schedule the session for you or your loved one.
10 Minutes 20 Minutes 30 minutes 40 minutes 50 minutes 1 hour 2 hours 3 hours
Phanfood: From the Kitchen Pot to the Tour Lot
PhanArt Pete Mason and I co-edited this cookbook full of recipes by Phish fans for Phish fans. It makes the perfect gift for the Phish fan in your life and we donate a portion of proceeds to local food shelves. Get yours here