The theme for February’s Virtual Love Fest is raising your positive vibrations. On our last live call I gave the members a menu of ideas that can put into practice to raise their positive vibrations. By making tiny little changes, it’s amazing what has happened for them so far. Right now I’m going to share with you one of the ways. Get ready to have your mind blown.
Did you know that music that is pleasant to the ear and has messages that are positive, actually raise your vibrations and make your feel happier? No wonder I love music and the people who make music so much. Now my obsession makes sense. Sweet!
When you listen to music with violent or negative themed lyrics that has an effect on you whether you realize it or not. And music with positive themes also have an effect on you whether you realize it or not.
If you want to be in a happy relationship, listen to music about healthy relationships and love.
If you want to feel more peaceful, listen to songs about peace and relaxation. If you want to be in an unhealthy relationship, crash your truck, get in a fight and drink a lot, listen to country music. (Just kidding…kind of. I am totally generalizing, but you know what I mean.)
I have been listening to Dolly Parton a lot lately and even though not all of her songs have this message, many of them do. I was rocking out to the song “Jolene” thinking it was this happy song when I took a moment and listened to what I was singing. Jolene is a sexy little lady that has her eyes on Dolly’s man. Dolly begs Jolene not to take her man. Dolly’s man is screaming out Jolene’s name in the middle of the night. There isn’t one line in the song saying how if your man really wants to be with Jolene instead of you then maybe your man isn’t respecting you. Maybe you need to walk away from your man. It’s not Jolene that is your problem. It’s you choosing to stay with a man that has his eyes on other girls. I don’t know about you, but that is not the message I want to be subconsciously sent to my brain.
I want messages full of love, hope, peace, good times and positivity. I created something special for your listening pleasure.
I would like to give a shout out to some of the amazingly positive musicians I’ve had the pleasure hanging out with lately. They have taught me some valuable lessons. Music is their passion and they can’t imagine their life without music and take steps everyday to make sure music is a part of their lives. They hang out with other people who play music too and make an effort to play with those more experienced than them. That makes them even better and they know it’s not a competition. They love, appreciate and experience as much variety of music as possible. They have a deep respect for other people pursuing this difficult career choice and support them as much as possible. This can be applied to anything you are passionate about. I am so grateful to be in the presence of these people who not only rock at playing music, but they rock at life too. Thank you for following your dreams and rocking my world.