Make Like a Tree and Be Awesome
Does anyone get that joke? It’s from the classic movie, “Back to the Future.” One of the characters tries to say, “make like a tree and leave,” but he gets it wrong every time. It makes me laugh. Heehee. See…I’m laughing again just talking about it. Anyway…that is not the point of this blog post.
The point of this blog post is to let you know why trees are so awesome. It is also to let you know how you can channel your inner badass tree when times get tough. When life throws a wild-n-crazy storm your way take a moment to visualize yourself as a big beautiful tree. You have thick strong roots that go deep and ground you. They bring nourishment to the rest of you and must be nurtured and taken care of. You have a thick trunk with branches that shoot out of it. Your branches hold bright and vibrant leaves on them which make you stand out from the other trees although you don’t need them to stand out. You must release the need to control the elements and circumstances around you. It might be a stormy day, but that doesn’t mean you must become dark and gloomy with the weather.
You aren’t your circumstances, but you do have the power to choose how you will react to them.
Be flexible and bend and move with the wind so you don’t snap any branches or your trunk. Soak in the glorious rain and sun and express gratitude for them. Remain strong and trust the occasional sleet, hail, thunder and lightening storm will end. You can handle any shit storm that comes your way. The nasty weather serves a purpose. You might not know why it’s happening to you right now, but the best part is that you can thrive during the storm. You are a big beautiful badass tree yo! Since you have such strong roots you can handle anything. When the storm passes there is a beautiful calm and sometimes even a double rainbow all the way across the sky.
Here are some ways you can nurture your roots so you can weather the storm.
- Have trust the storm is going to pass.
- Have trust in yourself that you are strong enough to get past the storm.
- Notice the beauty all around you.
- Be grateful for what you have.
- Surround yourself with energy boosting people who support you and protect your roots.
- Practice self-care (bubble bath, going for a stroll, dance party, getting a massage, etc).
- Strengthen your mind body connection by practicing yoga or dance.
- Dedicate time to your meditation practice…even if you only have one minute.
- Connect with nature as much as possible.
- Hang out with babies and children.
- Play with animals.
- Feed yourself real whole foods that leave your body feeling great.
When your roots are getting the nourishment they need and are strong, you can handle anything life throws at you. Channel your inner badass tree!!!